金子佳幸 神奈川県出身
成人まで湘南で育ち様々なアウトドアを楽しむ。 東北在住中に(宮城、岩手)釣りを通して自然の素晴らしさと日本の四季の美しさを実感し、2010年頃からデジタル一眼レフカメラを使うようになりやがて動画も撮るようになる。
今は大阪に拠点を置き、関西地方や関東地方の四季や動植物、都市風景を撮っている。同時にAdobe photoshopやPremiere Proを駆使し、編集の仕事も行っている。
Hello. My name is Yoshiyuki Kaneko. I am a photography and videographer from Kanagawa, Japan.
I enjoyed various outdoor activities in Shonan area as a child. When I lived in the Tohoku region (Miyagi, Iwate), I began fishing and came to know the splendor of nature and the beauty of Japan’s four seasons. I started using digital SLR cameras around 2010, and soon I started taking videos.
I live in Osaka. And I take landscapes, animals, flowers, and urban landscapes in the Kansai and Kanto regions. I also do editing work using Adobe Photoshop and Premiere Pro.
I’ve provided photos to books, magazines, and corporate calendars. And I have provided the video to the TV station again as a promotional video material.
In recent years, I take portraits, school photos, and wedding photos.